So I finally decided that I need to vent. And at that time nothing seems to work in a speed I need it to. Even my machine takes a while to boot up. I am sure it just feels longer. But then again, what is time but the perception of it?
So, the observations of a middle path taker - who would want to read that? Seriously...But on the other side, life around has become radical enough that the middle path guy might be worth while listening to...Hell, its the life of reality shows...Every one wants a sneak peek at each others lives to know what they are doing different thats making them happier than us...So life has become one giant gossip. So, it doesn't sound so bad putting my own out there.
So, I was watching the movie Prairie home companion today. Garrison Keillor is an awesome artist...A very nerdy looking character who will show you emotions you didn't realize you had. His voice has this narrative quality that anyone who listens to him automatically becomes a part of it. So how do I identify with a very calm sounding radio host whose thoughts are very entwined with religious, philosophical and comical vines? I am still looking for the answer. But, I think the easy answer is fantasy.
I get *fantasy*. And someone who understands fantasy can understand a lot about life. It is simple. Life is but this journey towards some distant fantasy. People call it ambition to rid themselves of the guilt. But it is not different. Ambition is just specialized fantasy. And if you keep your mind open enough, you can explain a lot with that point of view.
So as I hear the toilet flush in the apartment next to mine, I think of the different permutations and combinations of emotions that a things as trivial as that triggers in different people. Every normal thing around you is normal because of your prejudice. Aaah...Now I got into that dangerous territory called Prejudice. That is a concept so huge I'll have to write it another day - so vast just because everyone is a victim of it.
But to put a spin on a thought, anything we perceive as real, is in tune with every other thing we perceive as real. I am going to call each of them a *thing*. And each thing has a core value, which is the value the thing has the most of. But that also means that other values are inbuilt in each *thing* just at a smaller percentage. You know I'm starting to think that theory has merit in the unreal world too. Heck, there might not be any difference in the values in either of the worlds :P
(This post dedicated to Baiju ettan)
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